Songbook Cover- KJV Proverbs volume 1, 1-15

Memorize the Bible

by SINGING it!

A Digital-Download Collection of Piano Sheet Music

The Complete Text of KJV Proverbs Chapters 1 - 15

440 Verses Arranged into 223 Songs as a Bible Memory Aid

Convenient Bookmarks

Links to Lyric Videos & jpeg's of Sheet Music on Facebook & Youtube

Consecutive and Alphabetical Indexes

Original Music Composed by Karen Silvernail

Print out copies as needed


Convenient Bookmarks

pdf bookmark drop-down, consecutive order

Scroll Through Both Consecutive and Alphabetical Listings

pdf bookmark drop-down, alphabetical order

IConsecutive Index of Sheet Music

sample clip-consecutive order index, KJV Proverbs 1-15

Pages listed for ease of printer set-up

Songs with multiple references are duplicated to maintain consecutive order and indicated by (( ))

Click to jump to desired page

Alphabetical Index of Sheet Music

Your Image

Easily find song by first line if reference not known

Lead sheets of longer songs presented after original piano arrangement

IIndex of Links to jpeg Sheet Music on Facebook

(Consecutive & Alphabetical)

sample clip-jpeg URL''s on Facebook, consecutive order index, KJV Proverbs 1-15

Conveniently Jump to Desired Chapter by clicking the number

Access online to share with others

jpeg format as alternative to pdf file

LIIndex of Links to Lyric Videos on Youtube & Facebook

(Consecutive & Alphabetical)

sample clip-lyric video URL''s on HYoutube & Facebook, consecutive order index, KJV Proverbs 1-15

Conveniently Jump to Desired letter of the alphabet

Listen to songs to learn them before playing them

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Sheet Music Details

sheet music detail: full piano accompaniment, chords, optional capo chords, tempo/style

Full Piano Accompaniment

Chords and Optional Capo Chords


Lead Sheet for Songs Longer than 2 Pages

sheet music detail: lead sheet for songs longer than 2 pages

Suggested Guitar accompaniment style

Optional Capo Fret

sheet music detail: suggested guitar accompaniment style, optional capo fret

Reference Incorporated into Song

Introduction Indication

sheet music detail: reference incorporated into song, introduction indication
sheet music detail: permission to freely distribute

Permission to freely distribute

299 pages of pdf Sheet Music included

Example Page of Full Piano Accompaniment

example page of full piano accompaniment

Example of Lead Sheet

example page of lead sheet
Songbook Cover- KJV Proverbs volume 1, 1-15

My intention is to freely share my music with the World

I welcome others to also pass them along.

If, however, anyone desires to financially help me in this endeavor, I am willing to accept your gift!

The checkout form for this digital sheet music collection is set up as "pay as you like"

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

And please continue to visit my Youtube Channel and Facebook Page: "Sing the Sword of the Spirit - Bible Songs by Karen Silvernail"

I welcome requests for verses to post as songs

Remember that Truth is the only weapon that can destroy lies!

I urge you to take advantage of the opportunity to easily memorize God's Truth by singing it and having it ready to bring to mind when you must face spiritual battles!

logo of Sing the Sword of the Spirit

I have learned from watching my family play video games that, over time, the hero has the opportunity to learn new "SWORD ATTACKS" to successfully fight against particular enemies.

I like to compare that "in real life" to learning more and more biblical truths to counter our spiritual enemy's suggestion to take actions which would harm us. Declare the truth and be victorious!

"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword ofthe Spirit, which is the word of God." Ephesians 6:17

"For the word of God is quick [living] and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death." Revelation 12:11

"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14:26

(Something to think about - you have to have made an effort to learn in order to have something later "brought to remembrance"! )

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The pdf file will be made available for you to download onto your device. There will not be any "paper" copy, but you are free to print out the pages for ease of use.

By purchasing, you are indicating an interest in my materials and that you agree to further contact from me regarding future products. You can then opt-out at any time. Thank you again for your support!




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Hello, my name is Karen Silvernail, & I have been setting KJV scriptures to music since 1987. I have been posting lyric videos of them on Youtube and Facebook since 2017 on my channel & page called “Sing the Sword of the Spirit – Bible Songs by Karen Silvernail”. I have also uploaded the corresponding piano sheet music on Facebook. (You can find the story of my journey posted there as well.)

For the convenience of users, I am excited to offer a “Volume 1” collection of sheet music: the complete text of KJV Proverbs 1-15, with links to the online versions.

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